Friday, August 24, 2007

Parris Family Photo Shoot!

What a fun photo shoot! I photographed Ashley and Alex's wedding in May and her mom wanted me to do a family portrait before her youngest sons went back to college this fall. We opted for the campus at Pepperdine as Carrol (mom) is a trustee and I mean, it's just so gorgeous there. Anyway, I had this idea that it would be fun to have them on a couch in the middle of this field. Well, the couch thing turned out to be a major drama....but it worked out in the end and it was really funny having it be delivered.

The Parris family was a little wild, unruly and VERY fun, so I just tried to capture that- and take a couple of standard portaits in between the goofing around!! I think the largest family group I ever shot was 5 so this was challanging and very inspirational. And what a great looking family!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this family shoot!!! You are SOOO creative Kim!!