Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mita and Jeegar's Wedding
 you can see from the photos this was an absolutely beautiful, soulful, exciting and wondrous Indian Wedding that I don't know if I could even describe in words. The bride rode in on a gondola, the was transported on the sholders of guests for close to a mile and the party was WILD! (Mita is a friend of Shefali and Chris whose wedding I photographed last summer. Now Shefali has a big belly! She's due in December!) Anyway, it was an honor to photograph this wedding. A couple of things I should mention. First of all, I got to try all sorts of Indian food that I've never even seen before (and I've been to India). Poor Mita is going to have to go through this with me when she picks up her photos!), - the buttermilk for the morning ceremony was amazing. Secondly, as Mita and Jeegar were getting ready for the reception, Jeegar realized that he had forgotten his pants. (O.K. - the poor guy had like 6 different outfits he had to wear over the 4 day extravaganza, he's human). Just so you all know, the bride realized that I was wearing black pants and of course I obliged to lend him my pants! There I was, in the room with no pants but a towel! Mita's best friend lent me a skirt, but in the end, Jeegar got other pants so I got mine back. See, I'm very flexible (and for the record, I don't usually take off my clothes in the bride and groom's room)....but this was hilarious! My husband Jimmy, came down to help me with my equitment at the end of the night and he could not get over how amazing all the dancing was. Mita's brother suprised her with this amazing dance. He is this total hot eligible bachelor, gals. Very fun person! Anyway, Mita and Jeegar are just a blast. Mita is hilarious. She was laughing so hard with Oscar the makeup person when I first arrived everyone thought they were stoned (they were not, for the record)....that is just how fun Mita is!

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